Riverside Brookfield High School.


160 Ridgewood Road, Riverside, IL 60545

Google Maps:


RBHS is situated adjacent to the south parking lot of Brookfield Zoo. Please note that parking within the Zoo lot is not allowed. Given the considerable distance from the parking area to the pool, estimated at potentially 500 yards, it’s advised to plan accordingly for your commute.

Parking: We suggest parking at the north end zone of the football field.


SCHOOL ENTRY: Find the angled section of the building. Enter through the double doors and continue down the hallway to your left.

rbhs entry door

LONG HALL: Walk straight down the hall to access the pool area. Upon reaching the end of the hall, turn right. You’ll find the pool entrance situated approximately 50 feet to the left and right of the vending machines

rbhs hall

The pool features six lanes and includes a diving well.

rbhs pool

Swimmers, kindly check in 15 minutes prior to your testing session. The session is expected to run for about one hour.

Please note:
Parents and coaches are restricted from the testing session. Changing on the deck, utilizing locker rooms, and accessing pool bathrooms are prohibited. Personal belongings, such as jewelry and watches, are not permitted.

Link to Swim Testing – Video analysis:

Swimming Video Analysis