Swim Testing with Video System #320

Our swimming portable system offers exceptional speed and user-friendly operation.

What is visible and adjustable above water constitutes merely 30% of a swimmer’s long-term success. Observing the remaining 70% beneath the surface can aid swimmers in achieving their full potential. Swimmers enhance their speed through video analysis.

Our System #32#0 is the quickest and most user-friendly swim video system available.

Live streaming and instant video replay are available for coaches and athletes. Two HD cameras enable the review of videos both above and below water.

Below are several videos captured using our Tune Up system #320.

1). Underwater Dolphin Kick (21 sec.)

2). Start (28 sec.)


3). Breaststroke: In and Out (19 sec.)


4). Freestyle: One Arm Drill (34 sec.)

5). Breaststroke: Kick Drill (32 sec.)

We use this dynamic system and active kinesiology method for swim stroke training.

Former President of the American Swimming Coaches Association, John Leonard, has praised our system as an effective training tool, ideal for correcting swimming strokes.

Contact Us:

dvlynch [at] swimstrokedoctor.com


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