Riverside Brookfield High School.


160 Ridgewood Road, Riverside, IL 60545

Google Maps:


RBHS is right next to the south parking lot of Brookfield Zoo. Please note that you cannot park in the Zoo lot. The walk from the parking area to the pool is about 500 yards, so be prepared for a bit of a walk.

Parking: Please Park at the north end zone of the football field, as noted on the following image.


School Entry: Look for the angled section of the building. Enter through the double doors and walk down the hallway to your left.

rbhs entry door

Long Hall: Walk straight down the hall to access the pool area. At the end of the hall, turn right. The pool entrance is approximately 50 feet to the left and right of the vending machines.

rbhs hall

Testing Pool: The pool has six racing lanes and includes a diving well.

rbhs pool

Check in: Swimmers, please check in 15 minutes before your testing session. The session is expected to last approximately one hour.

Parents and coaches are not permitted in the testing session unless invited by Swim Stroke Doctor. Changing on the deck, using locker rooms, and accessing pool bathrooms are prohibited. Personal belongings, such as jewelry and watches, are not allowed.

Mission: Our mission is to enhance swimming performance through precise assessments using live video and stroke solutions grounded in science and technology. Our focus is always on the swimmer. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Unlock your potential! Sign up for one or more sessions today and start your journey to swimming success.


Link to Swim Testing – Video analysis:

Swimming Video Analysis